学历:博士 所属部门:植物学系
职称:实验师 招生专业:
联系电话:0538-8241418 E-mail:biexm@3327e.com
一种提高小麦成熟胚再生率的组织培养方法,CN 112568125B。
Liu X#, Bie XM#, Lin X#, Li M, Wang H, Zhang Y, Yang Y, Zhang C, Zhang XS, Xiao J*. Uncovering the transcriptional regulatory network involved in boosting wheat regeneration and transformation. Uncovering the transcriptional regulatory network involved in boosting wheat regeneration and transformation. Nature Plants, 2023.
Sun J#, Bie XM#, Chu XL#, Wang N, Zhang XS, Gao XQ*. Genome-edited TaTFL1-5 mutation decreases tiller and spikelet numbers in common wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023.
Liang X#, Bie XM#, Qiu Y#, Wang K, Yang Z, Jia Y, Xu Z, Yu M, Du L, Lin Z* Ye X*. Development of powdery mildew resistant derivatives of wheat variety Fielder for use in genetic transformation. The Crop Journal, 2023.
Zhao L, Yang Y, Chen J, Lin X, Zhang H, Wang H, Wang H, Bie XM, Jiang J, Feng X, Fu X, Zhang X, Du Z, Xiao J*. Dynamic chromatin regulatory programs during embryogenesis of hexaploid wheat. Genome Biology, 2023.
Yao FQ#, Li XH#, Wang H, Song YN, Li Z Q, Li X G, Gao XQ, Zhang X S, Bie XM*. Down-expression of TaPIN1s Increases the Tiller Number and Grain Yield in Wheat. BMC Plant Biology, 2021.
Sun J#, Bie XM#, Wang N, Zhang XS, Gao XQ*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of YTH domain-containing RNA-binding protein family in common wheat. BMC Plant Biology, 2020.
Bie XM#*, Dong L#, Li XH, Wang H, Gao XQ, Li XG*. Trichostatin A and sodium butyrate promotes plant regeneration in common wheat. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2020.
Zhao B#, Wu TT#, Ma SS, Jiang DJ, Bie XM, Sui N, Zhang XS*, Wang F*. TaD27-B gene controls the tiller number in hexaploid wheat. Plant Biotechnol Journal, 2020.
Zhang H, Zhang TT, Liu H, Shi DY, Wang M, Bie XM, Li XG*, Zhang XS*. Thioredoxin-mediated ROS homeostasis explains natural variation in plant regeneration. Plant Physiology, 2018.
Bie XM#, Wang K #, She M, Du L, Zhang S, Li J, Gao X, Lin Z, Ye X*. Combinational transformation of three wheat genes encoding fructan biosynthesis enzymes confers increased fructan content and tolerance to abiotic stresses in tobacco. Plant Cell Reports, 2012.